Monday, December 6, 2010

So.....apparently there is a student that has been complaining about me! The funny thing about this is this is a student who was going to fail both the clinical portion as well as the classroom portion, but chose to drop instead. Funny how it's MY fault that this student didn't perform well. Don't be accountable for your own actions or anything like that!

Honestly, that has been one of the toughest parts about this, my first, semester. So many of these students don't want to be accountable for themselves. They want you to give it to them. I don't get this! But, I have to say, as a whole I have been very fortunate to have some really GREAT students that I would be happy to have as my nurse any day!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

First Semester

Well, my first semester as a clinical instructor is drawing to an end...thank goodness!

This has been an incredibly challenging semester...I've learned a lot about myself, my teaching habits, and what kind of instructor I want to be.

One of the things that I have told my students from the beginning, especially my first semester students, is this...This is when you decide what kind of nurse you want to be. I have taken my own advice and have used this semester to decide what kind of instructor I want to be...

I have made many mistakes this semester, and have learned from each one of them. I hope to be firm but fair, as well as nurturing. I don't want to be one of those instructors that teaches by intimidation. Students can learn when they feel intimidated.

I only hope that my students feel that they have learned something from me this past semester. I have certainly learned so much from them!